Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
New orphans and poor building project
P.O.Box 1294,
Malawi. C Africa.
Tel +2651872872 or +2651919529,
Cell +265993359229.
Email: direstmin@yahoo.com or vinkhumbo@yahoo.com
Rescue orphans and poor abandoned children for the primary purpose of winning their souls for our Lord Jesus Christ.
(a)To promote the welfare of orphans by providing them with a secure loving home.
(a)To ensure that orphans are brought up in a decent environment.
(c)To provide decent and quality education to the orphans.
(d)To ensure that orphans are given the best possible start in life.
(e)To educate children so that they become good leaders of tomorrow.
(f)To improve the education standard in Malawi.
(g)to take care of the needy children ,so that at least they could be able to attend better education.
Every child helped by this ministry has hope,loved and bright future that in future he or she can also help such kind of children in the similar condition.
To rescue orphaned and abandoned children in remote areas and towns by helping them with food and give the good education plus meet the spiritual need.
To meet the spiritual, physical nutritional social education, economic and skill training need of these children and orphans
Divine Restoration ministry is a registered organization in Malawi formed on 24 September 2000.
While gearing and fighting at the man’s salvation spiritually and it is at the same time endeavoring to look at some forces on earth that will make mankind to live healthy ,economical and a happy life and attain good moral which will instantly create suitable conditions to enhance a spiritual life. In view of this the ministry has come up with some activities which will improve the lives of the children /orphans in the remote places and Blantyre city. At the some time assisting the government of Malawi in caring of the orphans and give good education to the litter children which is one of its activities.
Malawi remains one of the poorest countries in the world judging by GDP per capita, human development index and poverty index. Sixty-five percent 63.3% of its population live below the poverty line despite may development policies and programmers prepare and implemented since independence in 1964, The welfare of the poor is further jeopardized by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and continuing household food insecurity, recently exacerbated by recurring floods and drought.
The organization has noted the high level of maternal infants and childhood morbidity and mortality due to preventable disease such as HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.
The absence of parental care due to dying of mothers and fathers because of AIDS can not be emphasized.
We therefore want to build a preschool block which will help such orphans and poor children to have a good foundation and hope for the future.
All ages need accommodation and food.
Age 0 to 5, foods Milk, Medicines clothing, beddings, and care workers
5 to 14 yr All of the above plus school fees shelter. Note books, pens.
15 to 18 all of the previous mentioned item plus; shelter skills training. Note books, pens.ETC
Most of the children do not attend school because of the above need and problems.
This organization will appreciate it a lot others would help look in to the problem and assist in any way they are able to. It can help needy orphans’ children if we join hands in solving the problem through assistance in help them.
You can send help on the following details: or account
Divine Restoration Ministry,
Account number 03351815151600.
National Bank of Malawi,
Victoria Avenue Branch,
Swift code MAMWMW.
P.o.Box 947,
Malawi,Central .Africa.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Welcome To Divine Restoration Church International!
Divine Restoration Church and ministry was founded by Apostle Samuel and Mwawi Vinkhumbo in the year of 1999, 24th september.
The church started in the house, from the house to the classroom, at the primary school, of now we have our own place where we are busy building, soon we are going into our church.
Divine Restoration Ministries is a wing of Divine Restoration church, wich work hand in hand with other denominations in Malawi and outside of Malawi who believes in The Lord Jesus Christ as The Son of God, that He died and rose from the dead. We also like to see that the people that we co-operate with has a heart of reaching to the rural areas and towns. We welcome people from all the Nations who are willing to obey the voice of God to go into all the world (Matt 28:19-20).
- Is to equip the Saints for the work of ministry.
- Develop leadership abilities ( five fold ministry).
- Equip the saints to win the lost souls.
- Establish the convents to mature in character through the change by grace.
- Give them a new mind set.
- Teach them to have real hope in Christ.
- To make a people out of people who were not a people (Peter 2:9).
Our aim and purpose is to restore and reconcile people to God and bring them to a place of establishment in Christ and releasing them into the fullness of their God given giftings.
We believe:
- In The bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God (2 Tim 3:15,16)
- In one God etarnally existent in three persons. Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit. (Mark12:29).
- In the endtime restoration of all things (Acts 3:21).
- We believe in the function of the fivefold ministry (Eph. 4:11).
- In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His vicarious atoning death, bodily resurection, and ascension (Acts 1:10).
- In salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ (Rom. 12:13-15).
- In baptism by Immersion (Matt. 28:19).
- In the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking with other tongues (Acts 2:4).
- In Divine healing trough the redempitvew work of Christ on the cross (Matt. 8:16,17).
- In the Divine sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit wich enables a beliver to live a holy life (Heb 12:14).
- In the second coming of Jesus Christ (Acts 24:15).
P.O. Box 1294
Blantyre, Malawi
Central Africa
Rev. Samuel Vinkhumbo
Email: vinkhumbo@yahoo.com
Cell: (+265) 8866109
Cell: (+265) 999363616
Landline:(265) 1872872
Stay Blessed!